Foot pain: Your Shoe may be a reason for it!

                                         Foot pain: Your Shoe may be a reason for it!

Our feet are prone to intense stress and every day, it goes through a tough workload. In addition to this, running, walking, jumping, etc. puts extreme pressure on the foot which is transferred to the shoes. So shoes are the all-time companion of our feet and they try to provide comfort to the foot in extreme pressure. But if your shoe is not suitable to provide the required support, then it can be a reason for your foot pain.


According to Dr. Anuj Chawla, reputed foot and ankle doctor in Delhi, most of the people experience foot pain, but they do not know the exact root cause. In most of the cases, patients don’t know that their pair of shoes is making the things worse for them. So let’s see the foot problems that one can suffer due to ill-fit shoes.


Some foot problems that may have occurred due to your shoes

·         Blisters – for physically active people

It is quite common that if you are physically active and wear an ill-fit pair of shoes, then you may get blisters. These are caused when you walk in tight shoes with sweaty feet. Due to the friction of feet and the shoes rubbing against each other, small eruptions with fluid develop on the skin. This situation causes extreme pain in the foot and negligence can result in deep wounds or ulcers.


·         Athlete’s foot & it is not limited to athletes

As the name suggests, one may misunderstand that athlete’s foot can only be experienced by any athlete. But it is not true. Athlete’s feet is a fungal problem that may occur due to sweat or wet environment. Tight shoes that do not allow air ventilation can lead to this problem. It is painful and also looks ugly. It may spread to the other portion of the skin if proper care is not taken.


·         Favourite heels can lead to bunions and foot pain

It is a foot problem wherein a bump occurs on the big toe. This inflammation is painful and can be caused by shoes which don’t fit properly. The most common culprit for bunions is high heels. High heeled shoes may be a fashion statement for women, but they are risking their foot health and comfort for fashion. Also, heels are the major reason for foot pain. Wearing heels put a lot of pressure on the toes that later can result in extreme foot pain.


How can you know if your shoe size is not suitable?

We often have this perception that after a certain age, our foot size remains constant because our height remains the same. But this common opinion is a myth. Our feet’s size changes periodically due to various conditions and does not remain static. With age, our tendons relax that result in widening of the foot. Due to some medical conditions, you may experience swelling in the foot. Moreover, women experience changes in their foot size during pregnancy due to the change in the hormones. Interesting, the size of the foot in the morning and the evening may be slightly different as we are engaged in many physical activities throughout the day which causes a slight swelling in the foot.

So paying attention to the shoe size is important. Ill-fit shoes can lead to many problems and the most common sign of the wrong pair of shoes is pain and discomfort while wearing them. If you experience the following problems, then you must check your shoe size:

·         Damage to toenail

·         Blisters, corns or callouses

·         Bruising on the toenail


Some tips to buy your perfect pair of shoes

·         Try to buy the shoe one-to-one. This means that you should buy your shoes after trying your shoes and walking in them for a while. A size 8 of a brand can be right for you, but at the same time, size 8 from another brand may be a little tight or loose for you. So don’t buy according to the standard size. Try the footwear and then judge if they fit well or not

·         For running shoes, consult an expert like Dr. Anuj Chawla (foot and ankledoctor in Delhi NCR). According to the structure of the foot, he will suggest the right pair. For instance, people with flat feet need firm shoes that can control their movements, whereas people with high arches need cushioned running shoes. So consult an expert for the personalized recommendation

·         Check for the airflow. You should examine the material of the footwear to ensure that they are enough breathable and your feet will not become sweaty

·         Avoid pointed shoes. Also, make sure that each toe has enough room to move.


So wearing the right pair of shoe is important for foot health. Many of us neglect this fact and then face many foot problems. If you are suffering from any type of foot problem, then consult Dr. Anuj Chawla. He is an expert in foot and ankle problems. He has even gained a lot of appreciation on many international platforms for his achievements in medical science.

